Why Psychic Readings by Email can be so Valuable

Why Psychic Readings by Email can be so Valuable

Psychic email readings may not be for everyone, for some people they are wildly beneficial. They may be a great choice for those who are hard of hearing, struggle to understand spoken English or just have no time to sit down on a phone call.

You might just prefer to have the answers to your questions in writing for you to consider whenever you feel the need, a good option for those of us who feel they may struggle to recall what was said.

How Do Email Psychic Readings Work?

As an experienced psychic, I am able to form a connection via email just as I would at an in-person meeting or over the phone. Although the interaction is formed over the internet and sometimes over large distances, you will bring your energy to the interaction and I will sense it flowing through the email and provide an accurate reading.

Where it differs from in-person readings or over the phone readings is that it doesn’t provide immediate readings. A great benefit of this is that I have more time to develop a strong connection and more time to gain insights allowing me to provide a higher detail in my answers.

For people that are at the beginning of their journey and are just starting to receive readings this often puts them at ease and allows them to be more comfortable than an in-person meeting. You have the ability to control the environment and state of mind when you write your questions and when you consider the answers from the psychic.

The Benefits of Email Psychic Readings

Requesting an email psychic reading allows you to carefully consider and craft your questions (I offer to answer up to three questions at a time via email).

Ensuring you don’t forget anything important/pertinent to the issue at hand, this allows you to decide precisely what you wish to know, i.e. do you wish to:

  • Get confirmation that what you feel you should do is right or are you at a point where you have no idea what is going on and what to do about it?
  • Learn what others think about you/your situation or are you more concerned about how to improve a situation and/or how you feel about it?
  • Just find out what your next step should be or are you looking for long-term answers (i.e. how things will turn out in the long run if you do/don’t do something)?

The key to getting a meaningful reading is to be specific – and crafting questions for an email reading allows you to be as specific as you choose to be.

It also allows your reader to:

  • Focus entirely on your questions, rather than having to spend much of his/her time on calming you down and “softening the vibes” before getting to the heart of the matter. This, in turn, enables him/her to
  • Take his or her time to really look at the “bigger picture” and explore what is happening & why; how you got to this specific point in time and what you can do to improve matters, create a better future, etc. In other words, it will give him/her the time to give you an in-depth reading that is not just a brief “traffic report” but also gives you a detailed “map” for the best route to success.
  • Step aside from your visions/beliefs and offer you a completely new perspective and insights that will help you to resolve the issue and move forward.

Finally, but by no means least importantly, getting a reading via email not only gives you the insights and guidance you need but also allows you to get to know more about your reader, his/her style of working and more.

This can be especially important to the success of your reading if you have never had a psychic reading before and are nervous about what he/she will be like, whether your energies will be mutually compatible, and so on.

Requesting Email Psychic Readings

As I mentioned above, I offer to answer up to three questions by email readings.

Requesting a reading could not be easier: simply hop over to my ‘Psychic Email Readings’ page, fill in the form at the bottom of the page (please be as specific as you can), add a photo (optional) and ‘hit’ the submit button and make your payment.

I will do my best to have your answers with you within 24 hours (but, as life can get rather busy, I cannot guarantee this, so please be patient) – I aim to keep any delays as minimal as humanly possible!

Tony Hyland