As The Year Turns

As The Year Turns

At this time of year, it is natural to look back at the year that has passed and to look forward to what may lie in store for you in the year to come. Whether the year has treated you kindly or not, it is important to bear in mind that every moment we live through shapes us and teaches us in some way; by learning from life’s lessons we can continue to grow and become stronger.


A year is a long time; a lot can change in the course of twelve months and over that time it is inevitable that you will suffer some losses as well as making some gains. If you have lost somebody close to you, this is a good time to remember them. Think about the good times that you were able to spend together, and offer thanks that they were a part of your life. Consider lighting a candle in their memory, and letting it burn (safely, of course) as a light in the darkness; a reminder of everything that they meant to you.


Equally, it is a good time to think about what you have achieved over the year.  What do you have now that you didn’t have this time last year? It need not be material things of course; perhaps you have a better sense of perspective over a certain situation that confounded you then. Perhaps you have gained in friendship, or in maturity and wisdom. Perhaps you have managed to complete a task that you promised yourself – anything from running a marathon to clearing a loan or credit card. Whatever you have achieved in the year gone by, however large or small, you should take the time to recognise your achievements and be proud of them.


New Year’s Resolutions are high in everybody’s minds right now; many people make them, although almost as many forget them in a few weeks. If you choose to make a resolution or a promise for the New Year, you should make sure that it is something that you can achieve. Consider writing down your promises, sealing them in an envelope and putting it away safely (perhaps with your Christmas decorations!) until this time next year. Then, you can open your promises and see how far you have come towards achieving them.

If you feel that psychic readings can offer you perspective or guidance on the year that’s passed or on what the year to come may offer, you can speak to me or a member of my team call to get a psychic reading now.

To call me, the number for UK callers is 0800 999 3831. Australia 1800 558 140, Canada 1866 403 3407, USA 1855 864 9382, Ireland 015 060 692, Rest of the world +44 1749 860 777.

To call a member of my team, the number for UK callers is 0800 999 8831. Australia 1800 018 367, Canada 1866 76 9422, USA 1855 864 9383, Ireland 015 060 693, Rest of the world +44 207 111 6115.

Whatever next year has in store for you, I sincerely hope that you will enjoy a happy and healthy year.

Tony Hyland