Distance Healing

Distance Healing

Distance healing is a form of Spiritual Healing which can be offered even when the recipient is not present. Indeed, they can be anywhere in the world.

Distance healing can be requested for anyone, whether it is for yourself, your family, friend, work colleague or anyone else. You do not need to inform the patient of your request or even know them. In addition, I am able to offer distance healing for your pets. After all, pets are very often considered to be part of the family, so it is only fair they get the same benefits!

Even if the patient is unaware of the healing request, they may receive benefit from the healing. Distance healing is not meant to be used as an alternative to treatment from qualified Doctors or Veterinary Surgeons. No guarantee of a cure can be offered, sometimes the best that can be hoped for is a more comfortable time.

Distance healing is very time consuming and uses much energy so I offer you the opportunity to make a donation below the form.

I maintain a fully confidential list for my healings, which are carried out on a daily basis for up to a month. Sorry after that time, a new request will need to be placed because otherwise the list would simply continue to grow and become unmanageable!

To get a name on my healing list please complete the following form as completely as possible.

  • Information needed for healing

  • Max. file size: 512 MB.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Donate in US Dollars (USD) (minimum $2)