25 Apr Horoscope Love Compatibility – Zodiac Love Matches – Part 2
Here, as promised, are the best Zodiac love matches for the final six signs of the Zodiac, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius; Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.
Zodiac Love Matches – Libra
For Libra natives, finding compatible partners will be one of life’s priorities and loneliness is both very sand an unnatural for them. Maintaining harmony and peace is of utmost importance to Libra individuals who are already in relationships.
Balanced, creative and expressive lovers, Libra-born will do everything necessary to keep their partners happy and please them. Their dedication and charming personality makes them wonderful partners – and their compatibility with other signs interesting.
Best for Partnerships and Marriage: Aries
Greatest Compatibility Overall: Gemini, Aquarius
Zodiac Love Matches – Scorpio
The most sensual of all signs, Scorpio is extremely passionate. Placing utmost importance on intimacy, Scorpio natives want honest and intelligent partners. Once a Scorpio individual falls in love, they are totally dedicated and faithful.
Occasionally needing a great deal of time to establish respect and trust for partners, they do, however, enter into relationships very carefully.
Best for Partnerships and Marriage: Taurus
Greatest Compatibility Overall: Cancer, Pisces
Zodiac Love Matches – Sagittarius
Humorous and playful, Sagittarius natives enjoy having lots of fun with their partners. Expressive, passionate and willing to try just about anything, Sagittarius natives get on best with equally open; sensitive, expressive and intellectual partners.
There is a very thin line between sex and love for Sagittarius individuals. Their love for diversity and change can bring many different faces into their bedroom. Once truly in love, however, they are very dedicated, faithful and loyal.
Best for Partnerships and Marriage: Gemini
Greatest Compatibility Overall: Aries, Leo
Zodiac Love Matches – Capricorn
In terms of relationships and love, it is quite difficult to win over Capricorn natives. If, however, you succeed in winning over a Capricorn, they will remain committed for life. Relationships with natives of other signs can be somewhat challenging, but Capricorn individuals are serious lovers who like to do things thoroughly and slowly.
Caring, honest and loyal, Capricorn natives tend to express their feelings more through actions than they do through words. Extremely generous, they happily spend money to give you the best night out ever.
Best for Partnerships and Marriage: Cancer
Greatest Compatibility Overall: Taurus, Virgo
Zodiac Love Matches – Aquarius
For Aquarius natives, intellectual stimulation is the greatest aphrodisiac by far. Nothing attracts an Aquarius quite like an interesting conversation. Communication, imagination and openness, as well as a willingness to take risks are qualities that perfectly fit this sign’s perspective of life.
Aquarius individuals’ compatibility and relationships with people born under other signs can be quite complex. Honesty and integrity are vital if you are looking for a long-term relationship with a dynamic Aquarius native. In love, Aquarius is committed, loyal and not possessive at all – treating partners as equals and giving them independence.
Best for Partnerships and Marriage: Leo
Greatest Compatibility Overall: Gemini. Libra
Zodiac Love Matches – Pisces
Incorrigible romantics deep within their hearts, Pisces natives are gentle, very loyal and unconditionally generous towards their partners.
They are passionate lovers who need to feel real connections with partners, so adventures and short-term relationships are not something they are into. In relationships and love, they are very caring and blindly loyal.
Best for Partnerships and Marriage: Virgo
Greatest Compatibility Overall: Cancer, Scorpio
Relationship Analysis
Naturally, there are always exceptions to these ‘rules’, which are by no means set in stone. The best way to find out for sure if you are compatible with another person and whether a relationship is likely to work out is to get an in-depth Relationship Analysis Forecast. You can order your pack here.