28 Feb Aborigines And Australia’s Psychic Tradition
Whether in ancient Asian civilisations, the Aztec culture or the Australian Aboriginal tradition (that is the focus of this blog) psychics and shaman are defined as people that can sense the unseen.
In many cases, these individuals are said to operate on a higher plane of existence. They are often recognised as having the ability to manipulate the unseen through energies, spirits, spells and dream work.
Ancient peoples, across the world, would label their spiritual guides with a few common names. These monikers typically included “medicine man”, “priestess” and “sorcerer”.
The role of this spiritual leader would be a consultative one. Whenever guidance was needed on matters spiritual, to achieve the manifestation of the greater good; a spell may be cast, a sacrifice made, or a dream incubated.
Psychic traditions, particularly built around dream manipulation, are deeply rooted in Australian culture.
“The Law Of Attraction” and “The Dreamtime”
The original Aborigines descended from Asian continental migrants. These tribal people settled in the Australian wilderness, and proceeded to develop a keen connection to their homeland.
Across Aboriginal tradition, spiritual alignment with “The Law of Attraction” is key.
Aboriginal walkabouts have been famed worldwide, becoming a hugely popular tourist pursuit in the region. These walkabouts, which somewhat resemble the pilgrimages of other spiritual traditions, have, historically, been guided by tribal elders. These elders would seek a point of access to another plane of consciousness, by returning to a “belonging place” – an established geographical location of great spiritual significance.
In the traditional Aboriginal view, the whole world had its beginning in the Dreamtime. Aboriginal shamans and sorcerers will, as such, place great emphasis on dreams, sand drawing and the playing of traditional instruments, such as the didgeridoo.
Primitive And Uneducated?
It is not uncommon for people of a Western mindset to assume that Aboriginal culture is primitive.
Contrary to the misconception that the indigenous Australians are “uneducated”, these semi-nomads have shown an incredible aptitude for hunting and foraging, whilst surviving and manipulating the harsh environment of the arid bush land, for over 30,000 years.
A non-materialist race, the Aborigines are driven by a rich oral tradition, and ritualistic behaviour. To this day, stories of the Aborigines’ uncanny navigational and deduction abilities continue to surface.
In recent years, an Aboriginal woman unearthed the remains of an adult, whilst on a search for missing six-year-old, on the outskirts of Sydney. As reported on the Psychic Guild website, she attributed the find to “gut instinct”.
More sensitive than people living in modern societies, it is said that Aborigines possess the ability not only to tap into the energies of the environment around them, but to transmit messages over long distances, without the use of modern technologies.
Many believe that this is due to their ongoing connection with their spiritual ancestors.
The Aboriginal Take On Life
The Aborigines say that there are three drives in the people of the earth; the drive to survive, the drive to reproduce and the drive to achieve. These drives are both a blessing and a curse to the human race. The choices that the soul makes, regarding which paths to follow, are reliant on wisdom, experience and spiritual development. Aborigines believe that the universe is entirely a mental creation, which is projected out of the essence of the spirits present on this earth.
In summary, the aborigines feel that the whole of human life is subject to forces larger than ourselves. They believe in extra-sensory perception, survival after death and a never-ending bond with the spirit realm.
What Advice Would The Aborigines Give Us?
‘Simply be. Respectful attention to a spiritual path will bring what is meant to be. Don’t have expectations, if it is meant to come your way, it will.’
- Michael Williams, of the Goorang Goorang tribe.
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