27 Jun The Seven Chakras
The concept of energies that flow through the body and affect different aspects of your life is one that is common to many cultures, and is found under a variety of different names. Whilst originating in Hindu and other tantric and yogic traditions, the concept of the Seven Chakras has become quite widely known and adapted into modern Western society, and may be the most widely accepted version of this concept.
The Seven Chakras are said to be points of energy roughly aligned to the spine, which are associated with different aspects of the body and the consciousness. Roughly speaking, the chakras which are higher in the body relate to the more spiritual aspects, whilst the lower chakras are related to more material or physical aspects.
Muladhara, the base or root chakra, is located at the base of the spine, and is said to relate to the most basic instincts; survival instincts and the basic potential of the human condition. It is symbolised by the colour red.
Swadhisthana, the sacrum chakra, is located in the pelvis and is said to relate to emotional needs, relationships and the pleasure of creation. It is often symbolised by the colour orange.
Manipura, the solar plexus chakra, is located in the abdomen and is said to relate to confidence, personal power and opinion, and the transition from simple emotions to complex ones. It is symbolised by the colour yellow.
Anahata, the heart chakra, is located in the chest and is said to relate to the complex emotions of love, compassion and devotion. It is represented by the colour green.
Vishuddha, the throat chakra, is located at the neck and is said to be connected to communication, fluent thought and emotional independence. It is represented by the colour blue.
Ajna, the third eye or brow chakra, is located at the brow and is said to relate to intuition, focus and the balance of the higher and lower selves. It is represented by the colour indigo or deep blue.
Sahasrara, the crown chakra, is located at the very top of the head and is considered to represent pure consciousness and inner wisdom. As the very highest Chakra, it relates to pure spirituality. It is symbolised by the colour purple or white.
It is thought that, by focussing on the energies of the Seven Chakras, you may improve and balance the different aspects of your life and reach a position of spiritual harmony. Clairvoyant readings can help you to identify the areas of your life where your energies are out of balance and provide guidance.
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