23 Jan There’s an Aura About You: A Few Things All About Auras
Have you ever been told “There’s an aura about you” – and dismissed it as a silly idea? Here are a few things all about auras that may change your mind…
There’s an Aura About You: Fact or Fiction?
The simple, standard definition of auras says that they are electromagnetic energy fields surrounding everything – objects, animals and people.
To the logical mind, this concept may sound like some silly idea hippies must have come up with but consider this: most scientists recognise that everything to be found on this planet emits a certain type of energy.
That makes the idea of auras sound much less hippy-like and ludicrous already, doesn’t it?!
Now take a moment to think about the ‘feelings’ you get about the people you meet: do some of them make you feel comfortable and relaxed while others give you the “heebie-jeebies”?
Well, you are probably sensing their auras, because auras can tell you much of a person’s overall disposition and attitude. Sensing auras is, by the way, something most of us can – though often subconsciously – do. Many of us, including myself, can see them as well.
Whether you sense them (subconsciously or consciously), see them or both, the fact of the matter is that auras are very real indeed – and learning more about their emotional and spiritual significance can tell you much about yourself and others, as well as your interpersonal relationships, so here are a few basics to get you started…
Basic Facts All About Auras
The first thing you should know about auras is that they have seven layers. Corresponding with the body’s seven energy centres – the chakras (learn more about the chakras here) – these layers are the:
- Physical aura plane, or etheric layer. Located closest to your physical body, this layer corresponds with the base chakra and is connected to your physical health, pleasure and pain.
- Astral aura plane, or emotional layer. Corresponding with the sacrum chakra, this layer extends up to around 3” from your body and is connected to your emotional needs and relationships.
- Mental layer, which corresponds with the solar plexus chakra. Connected to your ego, beliefs and values, this layer sits 3” to 8” away from your body.
- Astral body or love layer. Corresponding to the heart chakra and said to connect the three ”lower” layers to the three “higher” ones, this layer is connected with the more complex emotions of compassion, love and devotion.
- Spiritual plane, etheric double or manifestation layer. Corresponding with the throat chakra and said to connect you to the broader universe, this layer reflects your spiritual health and is connected to fluent thought, emotional independence, and communication.
- Celestial plane or layer, which corresponds with the brow or third eye chakra and is connected to your focus, intuition and the balance between your higher and lower self.
- Ketheric template. This, the “I am” layer, corresponds with the crown chakra, can extend as much as 36” away from your body and is connected to inner wisdom, pure consciousness and your potential to connect with the Divine (which may, of course, mean something different for everyone).
Between them, these layers continually emit a mix of light and colours (never a single colour) that can tell you (and others) much about what is happening in your life.
A self-confident, positive and healthy person who is feeling energetic and alive may, for example, have a bright, very light aura swirling with brilliant yellow, whereas someone who is depressed, negative and struggling with deeply hidden anger issues may have a very dull, dark aura glowing with clouded red.
This, of course, explains at least partly why we feel drawn towards some people while we are wary of others: we are sensing their auras and responding to the “vibes” they impress upon us.
As such, auras can be a deciding factor (though undoubtedly not the only one) in the friendships and romantic relationships we form.
Consistently connected to both the universe and your body, your aura is, however, not ”fixed” in its appearance but continually changes according to your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health from one day to the next.
The same applies, of course, everyone else’s aura – so the next time you feel a little “freaked out” by the vibes you are getting from someone you meet, don’t give up on them just yet: they may just be feeling a little down or ill at the time.
Give it a little time and you may well find their aura much more inviting and comfortable…
There are also a few things you can do to keep your aura looking as nice and bright as possible -and I have collected a few tips on how to do it here.
Finally, if all this has made you curious as to what your aura looks like, there are cameras that can capture them on photographs – and Google should be able to tell you whether there is someone able to photograph yours for you close to where you live…