18 Jun Your Psychological Astrology Birth Chart and Developing Self-Acceptance
Your psychological astrology birth chart – or character profile – can assist you in developing self-acceptance and a sense of belonging. To explain how, I would like to refer to the work of psychological astrologer and psychotherapist Jennifer Freed, Ph.D.
Jennifer Freed on Developing Self-Acceptance
Using relational astrology to decipher how people interact with each other and the world around them – which can ultimately also show them how they can navigate life’s ups and downs – Freed states that enlightenment starts with recognising all (good and bad) your personality traits and then taking an earnest (and potentially difficult) account of which of these traits serve or work against you.
According to Freed, as painful or difficult as this self-reflection may be, it will lead to true belonging and self-acceptance.
Making Peace with Your Flaws
Self-acceptance is usually about making peace with your flaws. Part of everybody’s astrological birth chart, the Zodiac’s 12 signs help you to realise that:
- Self-acceptance is about embracing all aspects – light and shadow – of these signs both within and without you.
- Owning all aspects of your divine self is THE most empowering path to true integration and acceptance.
- Believing we are sole owners of our gifts and flaws creates separation and isolation, whereas understanding that all of us contain universal strengths & weaknesses and that these qualities are neither meant to vex nor raise us above others enables us to truly make peace with our continually changing selves.
- It is imperative for us to comprehend that an entire universe of feelings, thoughts and behaviours exists within us as potential and that choosing which of them to act upon is something we are continually tasked with. Everybody will occasionally slip from their own standard of excellence and disappoint themselves or others.
This is by no means meant to suggest that you should settle for anything less than you know you can be. Besides understanding that it is impossible to be perfect and practising forgiveness and mercy for your mistakes, self-acceptance is also about:
- Continually practising rigorous self-inventory
- Cultivating the tenacity necessary to make your struggle/pain count regarding resilience and self-correction
- Consciously practising having empathy with others making mistakes
Simultaneously, your most exceptional aspects are also not fixed. When you soar and are at your best, you are only there temporarily – clinging to these states does, in fact, diminish them.
Your gifts and flaws invariable present themselves as elements of a principal grand cycle. Hosting them as temporary visitors, you should not expect or depend on them to remain with or permanently define you. If you can acknowledge your character traits as guests with measures of graciousness and curiosity, they will serve your growth.
Beyond ego identification, self-acceptance is thus the ongoing practice of:
- Stringent accountability & inventory
- Forgiveness & mercy for mistakes
- Humility in moments of exaltation
- The tenacity needed to make pain/struggle count in terms of resilience, behaviour correction & empathy for others
Whenever you fail to reach your own expectations, regardless of how often this may happen, it provides you with both instant access to empathy and compassion for the suffering of others and new horizons to reach for.
Unloved, unattended parts of yourself will act out until you give them the nurturing and healing attention they need. The quickest way to raise yourself up from a low is therefore to love yourself and attend honestly to those painful parts responsible for your temporary downfall.
Grandiose, inflated parts will also try to hi-jack your attention until you give them that steady “loving attention package” that conveys a “just-enough state” to your ordinary being. Self-esteem is built by keeping your word to yourself and others. Self-acceptance is achieved through the steady, slow realisation that you are complete and lovable in every moment – despite your ego’s desire to always fix on success.
Self-Acceptance and Your Psychological Astrology Birth Chart
As mentioned earlier, all birth charts and psyches contain all 12 astrological signs – complete with all their primitive, potentially harmful and more adaptive, evolving and potentially helpful and uplifting aspects (see images 1 – 6).
When you are in a ‘self-acceptance mind-set’, you can recognise that you do indeed contain all these feelings, thoughts and behaviours.
Are you ready to embrace the totality that makes you who you are and then make the best choices you can for both the highest sides of these and for the greater good?
Ordering your birth chart/character profile today and, once you have received it, marking phrases you identify with and circling phrases you aspire to will give you a fantastic head-start on achieving true self-acceptance and a real sense of belonging, as well as helping you to realise your true potential and purpose in life.