24 Jun Walking the Labyrinth
In classical Greek mythology, the Labyrinth was the complex maze constructed by Daedalus to hold the fearful Minotaur; in popular culture it’s the name of a 1986 Jim Henson musical fantasy movie starring David Bowie.
In mystic circles, however, the labyrinth is something entirely different; it is a focus for meditation and for ritual.
Firstly, it is important to understand the difference between a maze and a labyrinth; something that is complicated somewhat by the fact that both the Greek myth and the 80s movie use the word “labyrinth” to refer to a maze!
A maze is designed to stimulate the logical, thinking part of the brain; it has many different paths, branched turnings and dead ends to confuse and complex. A labyrinth, however, has only one path; you can’t get lost, you simply follow this elaborate route to the centre, and follow it back out again. This stimulates the creative, feeling part of the brain.
Walking the labyrinth is a metaphor for a greater route. Historically, it may have been used by those who wished to perform a pilgrimage but were unable to make a long and demanding journey; today it is often used as a metaphor for life’s journey, or for the path through your current circumstances.
Whether used as a private meditation or as part of a group ritual, the process for walking the labyrinth is the same. At the entrance to the labyrinth, take some time to centre yourself, to focus on your intentions, and think about the greater path which you are about to reflect. You may also choose to make an offering or a prayer to your guiding deity of choice before you begin.
Then, you simply follow the path. Some walk the labyrinth slowly, others prefer to walk fast; your own journey and your intuition should guide your pace. As you walk the path, clear all extraneous thoughts from your mind, and simply focus on the path and the journey.
The centre of the labyrinth offers a still point to focus, and you may wish to stay there for a while in meditation. Then, you simply follow the path back out, still in a state of focus. When you reach the exit, take some time to slowly bring yourself back to full awareness of the world around you; again, you may wish to make an offering or prayer of thanks.
If you do not have access to a large labyrinth which you can walk, you can conduct much the same meditation by simply following the image of a labyrinth with your finger, so long as you conduct it in the same frame of mind and with the same focus.
The labyrinth meditation is an excellent way of seeking insight into your life’s path; if you are in need of further guidance, you can also consult me for clairvoyant email readings or call me or a member of my team to get a reading now.
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