20 Oct Psychic Phone Readings UK
Although I offer my psychic services to all across the globe at the same great rates, my home is in spiritual Glastonbury, in England. I have been successfully conducting psychic readings over the phone from here for many years, something that my clients find incredibly valuable.
Getting a great, meaningful psychic reading over the phone can be a magnificent experience. Psychic Telephone Readings can help you make more informed decisions, answer any questions you may have and provide you with helpful, honest advice; reassurance and comfort. Whatever your need, whatever answers you may seek, I can help.
Do Psychic Telephone Readings Really Work?
While psychic readings over the phone are becoming more and more popular, many people are still hesitant and question whether they are as effective as a face-to-face reading. The main concern being whether an over the phone reading could possibly be as accurate as a face-to-face reading as the reader can’t see and therefore may find it harder to read your emotions and your energy..
Unsurprisingly, I do believe that phone psychic readings can often be more accurate than face-to-face ones. Here is why…
- If you are making the call from your home, you will be more relaxed and subsequently more open to psychic energies than if you were facing a stranger in unfamiliar surroundings. Freely flowing psychic energy allows your reader to be much more accurate.
- Interestingly, your phone psychic not being able to see you means he or she is far less likely to be influenced by all that visual information you can’t help but give away when facing a reader. Let’s face it, even an experienced psychic could be influenced by all sorts of impressions from the way you are carrying yourself or the clothes you are wearing before either of you has uttered a single word.
- Similarly, during your reading, your facial expressions and eyes could provide a reader sitting in front of you with millions of more or less relevant clues. Unless you are an exceptional actor/actress or have a poker face, your face could, for instance, light up or fall if your reader mentions relationships. This alone can speak volumes. Over the phone, this is, of course, not a problem.
How to Prepare for a Telephone Psychic Reading
While having an awesome reader obviously goes a long way towards making a session this good, there are also a few things you can do yourself.
A lot of my callers are very nervous when they pick up the phone to consult a psychic, especially for the first time. This is often caused by uncertainty, not knowing what to expect, fear of being “scammed” by con-artists, or the severity of a situation. This can seriously affect the accuracy of the reading by preventing the reader from making a good, strong connection, as well as resulting in callers forgetting to ask important questions or forgetting what was said afterwards.
Such a reading could not only turn out to be somewhat disappointing, but a waste of both your time and money, I ,therefore, suggest taking the following steps before calling me:
Consider Your Goal – Spend a moment considering what exactly it is you want to achieve with this call. Do you want advice on a relationship or career matter? Are you seeking guidance on a work, financial or health-related issue? Are you hoping to contact a departed loved one? Being clear about whatever it is you want from this session beforehand will save you having to think about it during the call (which would clearly be wasting time, as well as money).
Meditate – Getting yourself calmed down and into the right frame of mind will help your reader to make the necessary connection, as well as allowing you to remember those important questions you wish to ask. You can achieve this meditating for as little as 10 to 20 minutes prior to making the call.
Write Down Your Questions and Answers – Think about a list of specific questions you wish to have answered, write them down and make sure to have this list with you when you call.. Having your questions “ready to go” as soon as your psychic connects saves time and helps the consultation to “flow” more freely. Be sure to write down some of the answers you receive from the psychic as it’s easy to forget.
Call Me
Firmly believing that empathy and honesty are crucial to successful psychic phone readings, I enjoy an excellent reputation for providing accurate, to-the-point readings, which is clearly indicated by our clients’ testimonials.
I take great pleasure and pride in being given the privilege to help guide clients through both the good and the bad times of their lives and will always tell them how we see things clearly and honestly.
For UK callers, the number to call me is UK 0800 999 3831, Australia 1800 558 140, Canada 1866 403 3407, USA 1855 864 9382, Eire 015 060 692, Rest of the World +44 1749 860 777.