New Year’s Eve Traditions – Metal Casting

New Year’s Eve Traditions – Metal Casting

Different cultures have their own way of celebrating the coming of the New Year. Some burn scarecrows; others present family, friends and neighbours with bread, salt and lumps of coal; others still practise metal casting to get a glimpse into what the New Year may have in store for them.

New Year’s Eve Traditions - Metal Casting 1Metal Casting

Practised, for instance, in Germany and Finland, metal casting (also referred to as ‘lead pouring’ or ‘tin pouring’) involves melting small amounts of tin/lead and then pouring the molten metal into a bowl or bucket of cold water. As the metal hardens again, it forms ‘weird and wonderful’ new shapes. These shapes are then either viewed and interpreted directly or by the shadows they form on a wall.

Shapes and Their Interpretation

Here are some of the most commonly ‘found’ shapes and their interpretations in relation to different areas of life.

Family and Love

  • Angel – Peace of mind; happiness in old age
  • Antler – Love or jealousy
  • Baby – Peace and harmony at home
  • Bee – The wedding is on
  • Beetle – Someone is about to have an affair
  • Bell – There will be newcomers
  • Bra – Fulfilment in love
  • Broom – Beware of the mother-in-law
  • Bucket – Satisfaction in a relationship
  • Chimney sweep – Luck in love
  • Egg – A birth, family growth
  • Elephant – Power in family/relationship crises
  • Falcon – Someone is jealous of you
  • Flower – A new friendship develops
  • Guitar – Secret longings
  • Teddy – Someone wants a child
  • Hand – Faithfulness, loyalty
  • Hatchet – Disappointment in love
  • Heart – You will fall in love next year
  • Pistol – Cheating in love
  • Pretzel – Complications in love
  • Slippers – A wedding is coming
  • Stork – New baby
  • Woman – You are loved
  • Wreath – A dispute finds a good end in a reconciliation

New Year’s Eve Traditions - Metal Casting 2Business/Work

  • Anvil – Take care at work
  • Car – Risky company is heading your way
  • Barrel – Prosperity
  • Cone – Take care in business matters
  • Bushes – You should recognize the abilities of others
  • Cylinder – Important things are waiting for you
  • Deer – A win
  • Dwarf – You are underestimating yourself
  • Eagle – Success at work
  • Golf clubs – A new offer should not be refused
  • Hammer – You will go your way
  • Head – A promotion; success at school
  • Hook – Obstacles block the path
  • Horseshoe –  Professional success; profitable business
  • House – Your projects bring success
  • Scissors – Important decisions are in the pipeline
  • Boat – Luck with your plans
  • Crown – You will get rich
  • Letter (of the alphabet) –  Plan something new now
  • Moon – Honour awaits you
  • Nail – Better times are coming
  • Nut – A project succeeds
  • Medal –  You will gain honour and glory
  • Owl – Good time to plan the future
  • Plow – You must work harder
  • Rock – There is still a lot of work ahead
  • Sabre- Problems at work
  • Sailboat – Success at work
  • Snake – Someone is envious of your success
  • Stairs – You are honoured
  • Triangle – Financial Improvement
  • Trowel – Financial loss

Happiness and Luck

  • Angel – Grab hold of luck
  • Bag – Unexpected Luck
  • Birds – You’ll be lucky
  • Broom – A conflict
  • Butterfly – Your happiness is unstable
  • Can – Unpleasant complications
  • Clock – Good times are coming
  • Clover leaf – Happiness and satisfaction in the new year
  • Dancer – Do not take life too seriously
  • Deer – Happiness
  • Dice – Lottery win
  • Dog – Incredible news
  • Face – Honour
  • Field – Happiness
  • Fish – Luck in a game
  • Frog – Lottery win
  • Hat – Good news
  • Mug – Happiness
  • Pig – Luck in a game
  • (Horse) Rider – Permanent happiness
  • Sun – Sunshine in all things
  • Vice – Be satisfied with what you have
  • Whistle – There is danger ahead
  • Zeppelin – Everything will be fine

New Year’s Eve Traditions - Metal Casting 3Real Answers

Obviously, even determining what shape you are looking at is down to much imagination, luck and opinion, so any ‘answers’ you may get will be vague at best. A psychic phone reading, on the other hand, can provide you with honest, clear and accurate answers. Why not give me a call now?

For UK callers, the number to call is 0800 999 3831. Australia 1800 558 140, Canada 1866 403 3407, USA 1855 864 9382, Ireland 015 060 692, Rest of the world +44 1749 860 777.

Tony Hyland