28 Feb Could There Be A Portal On Glastonbury Tor?
Regular visitors to this site will be aware that, internationally-renowned psychic, Tony Hyland operates from his home near the foot of the Tor, in the spiritual hub that is the British town of Glastonbury.
He lives but a stone’s throw away from the hill known as “Glastonbury Tor”. This site, of great spiritual significance, is cared for by the National Trust and is home to the iconic, roofless St. Michael’s Tower.
A large uprising in the centre of an, otherwise flat, plain known as Summerland Meadows, the Tor is located in a truly unusual place. This remarkable rocky outcrop was recently taken as the inspiration for the focal mound of Danny Boyle’s green and pleasant land – showcased during the opening ceremony of London’s 2012 Summer Olympics.
Due to its strange and eye-catching nature, people have speculated for centuries about the spiritual nature of the mound. Indeed, Glastonbury has long been a Mecca for those seeking supernatural connections or psychic inspiration.
One of the long-pondered questions surrounding Glastonbury Tor, regards the possibility of the existence of some form of spiritual portal at the site.
There are a number of legends surrounding the Tor; relating to King Arthur, the Holy Grail and Christ himself; which may be elaborated upon in future blogs, but the one that concerns us today is the most famous, and some might say, the most plausible of the Glastonbury Tor myths.
Many visitors attribute their strange Tor experiences to the mound’s possible status as a “faery hill”. It is said that the hill is enchanted and, thus, plays host to a portal to the underworld kingdom of Gwyn Ap Nudd. It is just one of a number stories that have lead many to believe that Glastonbury is, in some way, “dimensional”.
Various credible sources have claimed to have had otherworldly experiences on the Tor, not least a former Mayor of Glastonbury who swore that he had been visited by a “UFO” on the mound, and engulfed in a red-orange light. The Mayor elaborated that the ball of light sank into the ground, in an act that would circumvent the presumed laws of earthly physics.
There have also been a number of strange photographic abnormalities, that have arisen over the decades. White doorways and beacons of light have, seemingly, been captured on film. People have noted strange breaks in birdsong, and almost perfect silences coming over the hill. Unnaturally friendly butterflies, and other minibeasts, are said to frequent the area.
Another strong supporter of the portal hypothesis is local resident and writer Nicolas R. Mann. Mann wrote the acclaimed ‘Energy Secrets of Glastonbury Tor’ and considers there to be an Avalonian soul portal at the site. “Avalonian soul portal” is a by-phrase for an energy gateway that would allow incoming and outgoing souls to maneuver between parallel realms.
Physicist John Michael Mallon, of Queen’s University in Belfast, has raised the possibility of naturally forming vortices of “scalar energy” – which is many times more potent than nuclear energy. He believes it possible for these vortices to act as wormholes or doorways to alternative universes, which could add much credence to the claims of Tor pilgrims.
With so many community leaders; in the credible fields of politics, science and literature; speaking in favour of the portal hypothesis, one can’t help but wonder the existence of such a doorway might be possible. One thing is for sure, the Tor certainly rewards personal investigation.
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