16 Nov Lucid Dreaming
Have you ever had a dream which you knew was a dream? One where you were able to control the events, introduce new aspects and “write out” those you disliked? If the answer is yes, then you have experienced something called “lucid dreaming”.
Normally, when we dream, we are not aware that it’s a dream. Even if the dream is filled with unlikely events and characters, they are accepted without question – until a few seconds after you awake, at which point you realise that you couldn’t possibly have had a coherent conversation with a wheel of cheese.
Indeed, our dreams are regularly filled with strange objects and events, many of which carry symbolic meanings that our waking minds would naturally question. Some believe that this is why dreams are generally not lucid, as they allow the subconscious mind to introduce symbolic messages without interruption from the waking mind.
For those who recognise such symbolism, however, lucid dreaming is thought to offer a way to confront the subconscious and question it; for example, if you have a nightmare of something chasing you, a lucid dreamer is able to turn around and confront or banish the beast. This makes lucid dreaming something that can benefit the dreamer once awake. Not only does the ability to banish nightmares mean you will be better rested, but the ability to connect and communicate with your subconscious will leave you more aware. It is possible to use lucid dreaming in this way for guidance, much as you would use psychic clairvoyant readings.
Many adherents of lucid dreaming posit other benefits of the practice, saying that their behaviour in dreams can affect their waking life; they say that they can practice talents or skills in dreams and reap the benefits once awake. Some state that they have been able to consciously use lucid dreaming to achieve weight loss, to stop smoking, or to overcome phobias. Others use it simply for fun – after all, in dreams, you can fly.
The first step in lucid dreaming is to be aware of your dreams; keep a notebook beside your bed, and write them down when you awake. This allows you to recognise “dream signs” – frequent events or situations in your dreams, which can act as a cue to tell you that you are dreaming. For example, if you often dream that you are barefoot, then realising that you have no shoes can tell you that you’re dreaming, triggering a lucid dream. Much like in the film Inception, lucid dreamers also use tells to confirm whether they are dreaming or not; reading text is often recommended, as dream text will generally be illegible or will shift as you read it.
Once you have recognised a dream sign and confirmed it with a tell, you should be able to control your dream – however this can take a lot of practice, as the realisation that you are actually lucid dreaming can often be so exciting that it wakes you up!
If lucid dreaming isn’t working for you, then I and my team of talented psychics can help you to understand your path with readings by telephone.
Call me or a member of my team to get a reading now.
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