12 Jul The benefits of improving your spiritual well-being
The benefits of improving your spiritual well-being
This fast-paced crazy world we live in often makes it easy to neglect our spiritual well-being. For the most part, we may tend to ignore it and only turn to spirituality when we need it most – during a crisis or a crossroads in life.
In such moments only, we may turn to our spiritual side for guidance and clarity on which path to take. I believe this to be wrong though – I think we should look after our spiritual well-being on a daily basis. Like every part of us, it needs constant nurturing to really thrive.
So how can you improve your spiritual well-being?
There are lots of things you can do on a daily basis that will help and most if not all will be pleasurable activities. When was the last time you stopped and listened to bird song? Or appreciated the cloud formations above us?
You can take time out to meditate, or just do nothing – although it’s not nothing, you are recharging your soul. Trying to make time daily will see some positive results, connecting to the calming and informative energy of the spirit and mystical plains.
Think about your daily lifestyle. Are you running on auto-pilot, with the days events already mapped out? It’s no wonder we are all feeling tired, we seem to be living out our lives ahead of themselves.
I will repeat the taking time out bit, as this is so important to regain your spiritual balance. Tap into the universe and its messages to you. Tell the universe (out loud if you need to) what you want and expect.
What are the benefits of improving your spiritual well-being?
Remain calm where possible and as upbeat as you can – that’s an immediate and clear benefit straight away. The positive energies will circulate through you. Visualise your negative energies being cleansed as part of the process. When you make all of this your daily process, you will start to feel more alive and more in tune with what really matters.
You will experience an increased feeling of inner peace, which will soon become your natural state of being – how exciting!
You may start to receive spirit messages more frequently – they have always been there, but you haven’t been receptive to them as you may have been caught up in that thing called life. Inviting spirits into your daily life, by giving them the attention they need and deserve, your life will become richer.
When your spiritual well-being increases, you will start to feed off your own intuitions more. There is a close link intuition and the connections and response to universal energy. The more often you connect with the universe, the easier it will be to trust your gut instinct.
Taking the time out required will improve your well-being both spiritually and mentally. You will feel more alive, calmer and will make better decisions.
Imagine a world where we all managed to improve our spiritual well-being – what a wonderful world that would be!
If you would like further insight, I can help. You can phone me on the number above or book your phone reading online here. If you would prefer a 1, 2 or 3 question email reading, please click here.