20 Sep The Autumn Equinox
Known by Pagans as Mabon and celebrated by Druids as Alban Elfed, the Autumn Equinox marks the middle of the year’s harvest and the half-way point between Summer and Winter.
In the Northern Hemisphere, this day is celebrated on the 21st or 22nd of September (22nd in 2016). The same date marks the Spring Equinox (Osara or Alban Elier) in the Southern Hemisphere.
Autumn Equinox Significance
Marking the end of the Summer King’s rule and a move towards the cold rule of Winter, Mabon, the Autumn Equinox, is a time of balance, a time when day and night are of equal length. This is a time of achievement and fulfilment; rest and celebration. Now is the time to reap that which has been sown; to give thanks for the Earth’s bountiful harvest; to rest and enjoy the fruits of the year and of our lives.
As animals start putting on more fat and hiding their winter stores; trees start shedding their leaves and the Sun God travels to return to the Goddess’s loving embrace, it is also a time to remember that everything must come to an end; to reflect not only on the year that has passed, but on our lives; to finish old projects and begin planning for the future.
Autumn Equinox Rituals
Ancient British Isles rituals carried out to mark Mabon, or Alban Elfed, included the weaving of the last corn sheaves into corn dollies, dressing them up with bows and ribbons and placing them into the house of a young maiden or boy until the coming spring’s ploughing time. Then, the corn dollies would be torn up and scattered onto freshly ploughed fields in order to bring good luck to the harvest.
Believing the last little bit of the harvest could bring bad luck, ancient farmers often refused to take it and would instead throw the final sheaf onto a neighbour’s land. The last person to harvest the field would then end up holding this sheaf, making the bad luck theirs.
Celebrating the Autumn Equinox
Today, decorating your circle (or just your home, if you are not a practising Druid) with grains and fruit; leaves nuts and wine, as well as making mandalas (circular images/collages) out of seeds and grains are considered to be good ways to mark this occasion, as is making fruit cakes and/or jams; mead and/or wine.
Reflection, Completion and Forward Planning
As I mentioned above, this is also the perfect time to reflect on the past; complete unfinished projects and plan ahead for the future. A psychic phone reading can help you to better understand the past; recognise that which requires completion and determine the steps you need to take for a brighter, better future.
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